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Bill n° 1.086 instituting maternity leave for self-employed workers affiliated to the Caisse d’assurance maladie, accident et maternité des travailleurs indépendants (“CAMTI”).

CAMTI is the health insurance fund for self-employed workers.
Three new articles will be added to Law 1.048 of July 28, 1982 instituting a system of social benefits for self-employed workers, in order to harmonize the system with that of employees.
This law already covers reimbursement of medical expenses during pregnancy.
The bill provides for maternity leave benefits to correspond to a flat-rate daily allowance, enabling all self-employed workers to benefit from the same compensation. This request must be made to CAMTI.
From the first day of the sixth month of pregnancy, the same benefits as those provided for maternity leave will be available, in the event of a medical condition resulting from the pregnancy being attested by a medical certificate.
The minimum threshold of 18 weeks for maternity leave, applicable to female employees, would be extended to self-employed women. This minimum threshold could vary according to the number of children.


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